08:36 Sunday, July 07 2003

day 2 of 7

This post is part 2 of the "days-2003" series:

  1. day 1 of 7
  2. day 2 of 7
  3. day 3 of 7
  4. day 4 of 7
  5. day 5 of 7
  6. day 6 of 7
  7. day 7 of 7

Overall, yesterday went well. David is now walking about 2/3 of the time, and standing up on his own (without hanging on to anything for support).
Last night I watched Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and Acid House. Fear & Loathing was very very weird. I don't know if i liked it or hated it, but it was quite strange for sure. Acid House had the same producer as Trainspotting, which means lots of Scotland and lots of people with heavy, thick, indecipherable Scottish accents. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out 80% of what was being said, although the plot lines were so obvious & stupid that it really didn't matter. It really, really sucked. Not even remotely the same movie as Trainspotting, which really really rocked. But i digress.
Finally had success with the SCSI harddrive fiasco. Swapped out yet another drive & cable this morning, and it looks like I finally found a winner.

This post is part 2 of the "days-2003" series:

  1. day 1 of 7
  2. day 2 of 7
  3. day 3 of 7
  4. day 4 of 7
  5. day 5 of 7
  6. day 6 of 7
  7. day 7 of 7