14:51 Sunday, May 05 2003

where you can drink the air

Its been a very very hectic past 3 days. The flight out here went amazingly well, all things considered. David was not nearly as bad as I had expected he wold have been. He figided like crazy, but didn't cry, or throw any tantrums, so it was just a matter of keeping him entertained with a regular stream of toys (pretzel bags, empty water bottles etc). He then feel asleep 10 minutes before we landed (which was 20 minutes early, thankfully). The rental is a tan Neon. It took a bit of time to get the luggage off the plane, and the get David's carseat setup in the car, but once that was done the drive to W. Newton wasn't overly painful (except for a 5 mile stretch of single line traffic on I70).
We've been trying to keep david on PDT so that we won't have to go through hell readjusting him once we return to sunny, dry, warm California. So we've been keeping him up until 9:30 EDT each night, and he's sleeping until roughly 8:30AM EDT. Ahhh, yes, the weather out here is horrid. Humidity that you can drink, thunderstorms and other miserable weather events. This really brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'dry heat'.
We spent yesterday doing a dog & pony show for David's relatives. He saw his great grandparents, aunt, great aunts & uncles so far.
We went out to Roundhill Park today, which was nice, and david really loved the goats. I got a slew of good pictures, which i'll upload once i have some decent bandwidth (in other words once back in CA).
Oh, i got some nice \$\$\$ as a b-day present from Denise's parents & sister. Tomorrow should be fairly uneventful for me, as Denise & her sister go to Kennywood for the day, and David gets schlepped with his grandmother to be shown off to her coworkers.