16:30 Friday, May 05 2003

where did all the time go?

Wow, its been one wild & whooly week. Monday was a long snooze fest of uneventfullness. Tuesday, drove home to Yonkers, NY to celebrate David's bday with my family. That went about as well as could be expected, with the usual assortment of mental torture & misery, such as being forced to have David, Denise & me all sleeping in my 14x11 bedroom, and eating the normal excuse for food. We did go to the Bronx Zoo yesterday which was OK, although admittedly not anywhere as exciting as I had rememberd it to be. Once again, David loved the goats, and got a kick out of fish, but other than was generally disinterested in everything else. David got a nice bunch of bday gifts, although they're really all a bit too complex for him, so it will be a while before he can truly enjoy them. Oh, i met Melani's new boyfriend last night, and he seems to be a self-asorbed moron, but i don't know him all that well.
The drive back to PA today was largely uneventful, and i escaped any speeding tickets YAY!
I'm pulling really hard to go & see the new Matrix movie tomorrow. We'll see what happens.