19:20 Saturday, July 07 2005

what a day

This morning we went with the realtor to look at more homes. As it turned out, we both love(d) the first house that we looked at in San Jose. Everything about it seemed perfect. The size, location, floorplan layout, features, appearance. Its all great. All the 4 other homes we looked at weren't even remotely appealing. After looking at the other homes, we drove back to the first to look at the physical inspection report. Right now the biggest concerns are some minor damage to the roof shingles, potential minor termites and a badly cracked driveway. The driveway damage could point to a foundation problem. Right now our plan is to make an offer contingent on a positive foundation inspection.
I upgraded David's computer from FC3 to FC4 today. The upgrade itself went surprisingly smoothly. Using yum to apply updates was a bit of a mess. It was hung up on a failed test run for openssl although i couldn't figure out why. I ended up manually upgrading all the RPMS. Everything is running smoothly now.
For dinner I made baked salmon with limes, oranges & ramen. It was basically the same recipe as I used back in May. It turned out really well, and David liked it too.