20:00 Friday, July 07 2005

ending with a bang

Overall this was a pretty good week, although today was semi-crappy. It wasn't actually too bad, although my manager had a 'talk' with me this afternoon. She was doing performance reviews for my entire group, but since I've only been there for 3 months, she just gave me a verbal appraisal. Basically, she said that she's gotten positive feedback from everyone she spoke with, but then told me that I have to be more 'vocal'. Basically she wants me to stand out more, and contribute more to improving myself and the company. And i'm fine with that, and I agree its important, but its not like i'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs much of the day, and have lots of spare time. I'm usually busy 99% of the time, so I don't really have time to be pursuing side projects.
I watched War of the Worlds today. It was a fairly intense horror movie. I'd say its Spielberg's best film since Schindler's List, and certainly his scariest movie since Jaws. Overall, I liked it but the ending was somewhat lame.