17:50 Thursday, July 07 2005

completely pointless

While I was driving into work this morning I was listening to NPR, and they were covering the bombings in London. Its a disgusting tragedy, no doubt, but the reaction in this country is an utter & complete joke. The phrase 'closing the barn door after the horse has escaped' comes to mind. What's the point in 'stepping up' security on trains & buses now? Al Queda clearly has many more clues than most of the talking heads in government, because they bombed Madrid last year, clearly no one learned a damn thing, and then they did it all over again this year. Just watching their attack patterns should be clear enough to anyone with a few clues that they're not going to do multiple global bombings (thankfully, they're not that coordinated, _yet_), so protecting buses now is just a waste of time & effort. But of course we're also banning nail clippers and who knows what else on planes in the stupid belief that somehow granny is going to bring down a 757 by clipping off the pilots nails to the cuticles. Nevermind the fact that airports are full of resteraunts *after* the security gates where anyone could easily get a knife.
In a side rant, every time I listen to Tony Blair speak he comes across (at least to me) as incredibly eloquent & intelligent. Everytime Dubya opens his mouth he's the redneck ignorant dumbass that the 'blue states' know him to be, and the 'red states' are proud of him to be. But the two are such a study in counterpoints when they talk immediately after one another. Its like listening to a 3 year old giving a speach (guess who) and then listening to an adult giving a speach. 3.5 more years of dubya, and then hopefully enough of this country will wake up and realize what a complete insulting embarassment the past 8 years had been.
In other news, we found out today that we lost the bid for the house. I wasn't really surprised by it, but what was sickening is that the winning bid was for 7% over the asking price, or in other words \$37k. That is just crazy.