19:38 Sunday, July 07 2005

never long enough

I took David to the park this morning. He finally got over his fear of the blue tunnel slide. I'm not sure how I convinced him to go down, but he did, and then he kept saying how its "not cary". I also vacuumed this morning, since the carpet was starting to get kinda dingy in places. Other than that, not much else interesting happened today.
We've decided to go ahead and put in an offer on the house pending the rest of the inspection reports.
David really misses me during the week. He's always asking if i'm going to be here 'in the morning' or the 'next day'. I feel so bad that I can't be around more during the week, and I also feel badly that David doesn't appreciate Denise more. In a way, I think he would if everything was reversed and I was home with him much of the week, and Denise was going to work.