18:11 Monday, May 05 2004

ups and downs

Today was odd. It started off really slow & quiet (especially for a Monday). I even had time to load Solaris 9 on one of the new Sun Blades that we got recently, plus I got an oracle database dump imported on a test box. So it was a fairly productive morning. Things took a turn for the worse in the afternoon when I learned that I was going to have to build a server and load it within the next 24 hours so that it could be shipped out to a customer. Stupid sales drone promised a customer something that we couldn't deliver, and now we're stuck giving them an alternative.
In better news, both my new harddrive and monitor arrived today.
Also, on Saturday evening, I made a cranberry rhubarb pie. It came out really well, and is quite tasty. go me.
Denise is coming down with a cold. She feels generally crappy. I hope she gets better soon.