13:27 Saturday, January 01 2008


This morning I was attempting to cut some lemons off the tree with my swiss army knife. The knife slipped and closed on my right hand, resulting in a deep cut across the back of the knuckle on my index finger. The result was bad. I was bleeding almost immediately. I ran inside, and washed my finger with water and poured isopropyl alcohol over it, but after a minute, it was still dripping blood. At that point I raised my hand above my head, and that seemed to help. Within a few seconds the bleeding stopped. After a minute I attempted to bring my hand back down to chest level, but it started to ooze blood yet again. I brought it back above my head, and kept it there for close to 20 minutes. That wait appeared to be sufficient as the bleeding didn't resume when I brought my hand back down. We waited another minute just to make sure, and then poured more isopropyl over the wound, and Denise delicately cleaned around the wound. She squeezed a healthy dose of neosporin onto a large bandaid, put the bandaid on my finger. I've had it on for roughly 2 hours. About an hour ago I noticed some blood staining inside the white bandage of the bandaid, which has grown in size very slowly, but for its size & growth rate, we're guessing its just the neosporin liquifying from my body heat, and drawing out some of the blood which was still deep inside the cut. Also the wound started to sting a bit just over an hour ago. I'm hoping that i was relatively lucky and narrowly escaped the need for stitches.
Yes, i'm typing left handed, and it sucks. I'm an idiot.