19:51 Wednesday, September 09 2006

sequoia - day 6

This post is part 1 of the "trip-california-2006" series:

  1. sequoia - day 6

We explored the rest of Sequoia today. We started off from the south at Morro Rock, and worked our way north to Grant Grove. Morro Rock was a nice hike (we were the only people on the mountain), but the views were somewhat disappointing. Much of the problem was air pollution over the Central Valley to the west, and haze obscuring the Sierras to the west. We did drive into a Sequoia grove next, which passed through the famous 'car tunnel' tree. David was fairly impressed by the tunnel, and then we did a 2 mile hike through the grove past a nice meadow. Next was the Giant Forest Museum, which had some nice exhibits, but David didn't have the patience to look at anything unfortunately. In fact, the park was fairly empty, but I guess that's normal for a Wednesday in late September.

This post is part 1 of the "trip-california-2006" series:

  1. sequoia - day 6