19:49 Thursday, September 09 2006

cut short - day 7

This post is part 4 of the "dv-2006-09" series:

  1. death valley part 1 - day 3
  2. death valley part 2 - day 4
  3. the long haul - day 5
  4. cut short - day 7

We got up early this morning to drive deep into Kings Canyon, with plans to spend the last night of the trip at the Cedar Grove lodge. Unfortunately, fate, or some other power, finally caught up with us. About 20 minutes into the drive, I was driving around a turn, and a deer runs across the road right in front of me. No, its not what you're thinking, I didn't hit the deer. In fact, I missed it completely. Then 2 more deer came running right after the first. No, i didn't hit them either, however, something went very wrong with the car as I screeched to a stop. It was shaking & lurching, even though it should have been still. From that point onward, it wasn't ok, and continued to shake. I decided that it wasn't a good idea to wait another 24 hours before going home, and canceled the hotel reservation for that night, and turned towards home. An hour later the check engine light came on, and I knew something was very wrong. I was just hoping to make it the 185 miles home so that I could take the car into the VW dealer. I thought that it would be a really bad idea to try to find a local mechanic who was reputable, and then pray that he could fix the problem the same day, and pray that it didn't cost a fortune (when the car is still under warranty). I made it home, and the car is at the VW dealer right now.
I'm certainly disappointed that we didn't get to explore Kings Canyon much at all, other than driving to the hotel to cancel the reservation. We did stop briefly at Grizzly Falls, and got a few pictures, but other than that, I did lose out on this part of the trip. I guess I'm fortunate that I saw as much as I did.

This post is part 4 of the "dv-2006-09" series:

  1. death valley part 1 - day 3
  2. death valley part 2 - day 4
  3. the long haul - day 5
  4. cut short - day 7