21:18 Sunday, December 12 2003


Today was overall quite productive. Seems that I had missed the memo from Linus to cease symlinking the glibc headers from /usr/include/* to /usr/src/linux/*. As a result, i was getting some scary build failures. I ended up sorting it all out by rebuilding glibc.
Also XFCE-4.02 was released today, and definitely seems a bit snappier than 4.01. Additionally a new release of xine came out two days ago, and it too is faster.
On Chanukah front, I got a LIFE magazine book on National Parks from Denise yesterday. Today I got a 2004 Dilbert calendar.
Denise wanted me to take David to get his picture taken with the Santa standin this afternoon. It didn't go well, David freaked out, and the only picture that I got was David standing about two feet away from santa, with a very troubled look on his face.
I'm starting to collect a long list of chores for the upcoming week. I need to get a haircut, get the car an oil change, take david for a flu-shot booster, go to the flea market in San Jose, and prolly some other stuff that I've forgotten for the moment.