14:40 Saturday, December 12 2008

mojave trip - day 3

This post is part 3 of the "mojave-trip-2008" series:

  1. mojave trip - day 1
  2. mojave trip - day 2
  3. mojave trip - day 3
  4. mojave trip - day 4
  5. mojave trip - day 5

We got up early for the 40 mile drive out to Mitchell Caverns Natural Preserve (which is inside of Providence Mountains State Recreation Area, which is actually inside of the Mojave Preserve). While cold, the weather was otherwise beautiful. We explored the grounds around the cave while waiting for the 10AM guided cave tour. There's a really nice, and relatively short (less than 1 mile) hiking trail on the hillside, called the Mary Beal Nature Trail. The trail offers some excellent examples of Mojave Desert flora, including just about every variety of cactus native to the region, and awesome views across the Clipper Valley, stretching all the way back to I-40 on the horizon (which used to be US-66). While this trail was mostly clear, there were still chunks of packed snow & ice amongst the cactus. The cave tour itself was interesting, and took 90 minutes, including the half mile (each way) walk to the cave entrance.
Afterwords, we continued north on the Black Canyon Road to the Hole in the Wall visitor center for the Hole in the Wall/Ring Trails. The trail leading south from the visitor center is a bit confusing, as the only indication that its a trail at all are a few NPS trail logo sign posts. However, after walking clockwise around the mountain, the trail curves into a canyon and it rapidly became clear that this was hole in the wall. The rock faces on all sides were pocked with holes of varying sizes. Finally, we approached the ring trail portion, which is literally a bunch of metal spikes with metal rings attached for climbing up the side of the narrow crevices in the canyon. First we had to do some minor rock scrambling, and then came the first of two sets of rings. The 2nd set of rings was a bit confusing, as the rock face was almost completely vertical, with no foot holes. After staring at it for a minute, it hit me that we were supposed to use the rings as a ladder for our feet, and not just our hands. At that point, it was relatively easy. Each of the ring ladders was about 10ft tall. David did fine on both, and I enjoyed it alot. The trail finally ends just north of the visitor center.
We finished off the day, by driving the 'original' US-66 alignment through Goffs over to US-95 into Nevada, and then over to Laughlin. NV for dinner. We drove back down to the motel in Needles, via AZ-95, which thrilled David alot, since he went through 3 states in one day.
Pictures are posted here and here.

This post is part 3 of the "mojave-trip-2008" series:

  1. mojave trip - day 1
  2. mojave trip - day 2
  3. mojave trip - day 3
  4. mojave trip - day 4
  5. mojave trip - day 5