20:27 Friday, October 10 2009

Los cronocrímenes

Tonight, I watched Los cronocrímenes(Time Crimes), a Spanish SciFi flick about time travel and its repercussions. I hated this film, and I loved this film. Very very few films get time travel right. The majority are full of plot holes and contrivances. This one managed to to tie up all the loose ends without any gimmicks. On the other hand, the plot was incredibly stupid. The guy gets into a time machine without realizing it because he already got into it, went back in time an hour, and forced the scientist who built it to convince his first self to get in. Lather, rinse, repeat, add accidental homicide, suggested rape, self mutilation and excessive use of walkie-talkies, and it got old really fast.
Afterwards, I saw Incident at Loch Ness, which was a quirky mockumentary about the search for the Loch Ness monster. This was really bizarre, yet entertaining. It blurred the line between fact & fiction, and it was so well done that there was always some lingering doubt over whether some parts weren't a fabrication. Overall, it was quite amusing.