17:32 Monday, June 06 2005

late or early

I've gotten myself into a nasty habit. For some reason, that I can't really understand, I wake up before my alarm every day. Not just a little, but alot (like 30-45 minutes). I think part of it is just me wanting to get into work earlier to get a jump start on things. But mentally, I just keep waking up. The problem, is that I'm waking up earlier and earlier. First it was just 5-10 minutes. Lately its nearly 45 minutes.
Today was no exception. I woke up at 6:12AM, and got into work at about 7:20AM. Today was actually an OK day until the last couple of hours. Then all hell broke loose. I basically seem to have 4 types of work days:
0) There's a ton of work waiting for me before i even get in
1) There's a ton of work stacking up in the late afternoon
2) There's not much work all day long
3) There's tons of work all day long.
Obviously, #2 is kinda nice, at least for a couple days every so often so that I'm not getting burnt out. #3 sucks if it happens many days in a row. #1 is crappy because I start to get my hopes up that I'll get out of the office at a reasonable hour. That leaves me with #0 which I can't say that I love, but is preferable over 1 or 3.
David is getting really good at using the toilet. Denise gives him stickers every time he asks to go to the toilet before he wets his underwear. He's starting to amass an impressive sticker collection.