14:16 Thursday, March 03 2004


On Tuesday evening I watched The Passion of the Christ. I was mostly curious to see what all the uproar was about. What a huge disapointment. Not only was it a horribly boring movie, but it was boringly horrible. Yes, it was that bad. If the movie wasn't about Christ, and just some other random fictitious character, no one would ever watch it, because its that bad. Anyone going to see it already knows the ending, its the bible. So the weight of the film should have gone into developing a compelling story to get you to the end, but that doesn't happen. The first 30 minutes or so are utterly confusing for anyone who isn't up to speed on the bible. Then after that its just random roman thugs being the crap out of jesus as if its some kind of sport. Lots of people are saying how gory & gruesome it is, but its not really either. There's a decent amount of blood-letting, but you never see anything overly disgusting, just lots of whipping and beating, and some mangled flesh here and there. At any rate, it was horrible, and its just the religious furor that is driving its popularity. No one in their sane, rational mind would find it to be a good movie if you ignore the religious background.
The mini-heat wave continues. Its been consistantly in the 80s since Sunday. I don't remember it being this warm this early in the year last year, so i'm hoping that it will cool down a bit soon, but right now the forcast calls for more of the same through next monday.
We're trying to teach David some sign language while we try to determine if there's any good reason why his speach is delayed. We went to the hearing specialist on tuesday afternoon, and she was reasonably sure that he didn't have any hearing problems.