17:31 Tuesday, March 03 2004


Last night was a bad night. Denise got home from work early (9:30PM), which I guess was good. David had multiple nightmares. He woke the first time at 9:45, and then again later (i'm not sure what time exactly), and then again at 12:45AM. Denise took care of him the first two times, but I was up with him the last. I didn't have much trouble comforting him, and getting him back to sleep. But i was awake until nearly 2AM. If i'm lucky I got 5 hours of sleep.
<!--<br /> Then today was moderately sucky. The director of engineering, Mark, has a fixation with the 1 decent server that Support owns. And he has been nagging me incestantly about it for weeks. Every time I've told him no, but he won't take no for an answer. So his ploy today is demanding that we reload the server so that it more closely matches up with what he thinks should be running. I told him no again. So his latest attempt is scheduling a meeting with him, me & Colin titled "Hardware, production systems....".<br /> -->
We took david for his hearing evaluation today. The specialist said that David most likely has nothing wrong with his hearing. It was difficult to work with David since he didn't readily understand alot of the questions being asked of him. We still need to take him to a speach specialist.
Its still quite warm. It went up to 84 as I was driving home from work today. Denise took David swimming today, which she said he enjoyed. Its supposed to remain in the low 80s for the rest of the week.