14:45 Thursday, February 02 2008

home - day 6

This post is part 6 of the "socal-2008" series:

  1. Anza Borrego - day 1
  2. Anza Borrego - day 2
  3. Anza Borrego - day 3
  4. Anza Borrego - day 4
  5. san diego - day 5
  6. home - day 6

We intended to get up at 5AM, but somehow we were all awake before that, so we got up, and got moving early. The bad weather from the previous day continued to haunt us. Less than an hour north of San Diego on I15, it started raining. Not hard, but enough to slow the flow of traffic. Then about an hour southeast of LA, we hit massive traffic, along with high winds. We spent much of the next two hours crawling at less than 20MPH in stereotypical LA traffic, first on I15 approaching I210 west, and then on I210 west itself. To make matters worse, it started *SNOWING*. Yes, snowing in LA. It was barely real snow, the flakes were almost microscopic, and melted as soon as they touched the car, but it was most definitely not rain. Finally once we got west of Pasadena, the traffic & weather improved, and we started to make up for lost time. We got home just before 2PM.
Overall, it was a great trip. We did some great primitive camping, the weather in the desert was awesome, as was the scenery. Right now, our next planned big trip is going to be Death Valley in October.

This post is part 6 of the "socal-2008" series:

  1. Anza Borrego - day 1
  2. Anza Borrego - day 2
  3. Anza Borrego - day 3
  4. Anza Borrego - day 4
  5. san diego - day 5
  6. home - day 6