15:24 Sunday, December 12 2003

freezing cold

For the bay area, its been quite cold over the past few days. The two previous nights its actually dropped below freezing, and barely made it to 50F during the day. My fingers have been so cold. But we're trying to not turn on the heat again this winter (we've never used it since moving out here). Its been hovering right around 60F today inside, which isn't cold, but its colder than I'd like for indoors.
I tried to watch a few movies this afternoon, but both turned out to be mind numbingly boring crap (Wonderland & Sweet Sixteen, if you must ask).
We're trying to get David transitioned away from drinking from a bottle, so we purchased two 10oz sippy cups yesterday morning. It went horribly yesterday, with him screaming & crying. Today was marginally better, in that he actually drank most of his milk, however it was still a frustrating battle.
This week will either be painfully miserable, or fun. Its hard to judge, because its that odd time between xmas & new years where some people are still out on vacation, yet others are rushing like fiends to get things finished before the year's end.