14:15 Tuesday, December 12 2003


So far this week hasn't been too bad. Not much activity on the customer side, although I've been getting bogged down with painful projects. Stupid MS-Exchange problems continue to taunt me. Microsloth's stupid SP4 doesn't apply, or show any mechanism for applying.
We finished watching the 3rd season of Six Feet Under last night. I liked the 3rd season alot. It was very dark, and depressing, which isn't always what I enjoy, but for some reason I still liked it. The one part that really screwed with my head was how Lisa just disapeared. Not that I liked her character at all, but the concept of having someone you love disapear, and end up dying messed with my head alot.
Denise did something really really sweet. She put a tiny note into my wallet, expressing affection for me. It was simple, yet very touching.