07:18 Sunday, October 10 2004


Its been cloudy and/or raining since friday evening. I tend to forget how much the weather impacts my mood until it sux, and I feel somewhat morose.
I didn't do much of anything interesting yesterday. Its kinda sad that i've been back from vacation for under a week, and already I feel like I need another.
I was thinking about sleep lately. Not so much wanting to (although at times I do), but just how a person's age impact how they feel about sleep. Children (as david proves on a nightly basis) hate having to go to sleep, probably because they would rather stay awake and play, and that they don't really recognize their need for sleep. They don't feel tired as much as just irritible and short tempered. Me on the other hand, i enjoy going to sleep. Being able to lay down under my comforter and drift off to sleep is one of the simple pleasures of my day. Waking on my own, naturally, would prolly be another, but i very rarely get that joy.
At the moment its mostly overcast again. The sun actually seemed like it was going to show its face about an hour ago, but that disapated and we're back to cloudy skies. The temperature is supposed to continue its gradual decline this week too, with 60s and 40s in the day & night respectively. I kinda miss summer.