07:09 Saturday, June 06 2003


In what has become a trend as of late, David woke up, and consequencely, woke me up at 6AM. So I changed him, and fed him a bottle, and while i'm in the kitchen I notice that the sun is just rising, and its this deep orange color. So I grabbed the camera, and got two quick pictures.. They really don't do it much justice though, because it was simply a gorgeous sunrise coming up over the hillls.
In other news, we watched May last night. It wasn't remotely as good as I was hoping it would be. Actually, it was kinda sucky. Oh well.
The house needs to be vacuumed fairly badly. The carpeting is starting to look white from all the cat fur. And of course David is attempting to eat it, which is mildly amusing when he realizes that its really nasty.