09:01 Sunday, January 01 2004


Each night last week, one of our utterly insensitive neighbors has played music with the bass turned all the way up. This resulted in me sleeping poorly. For a wonderful simulation of what this sounds like, take the palm of your hand, and pound it against the wall. Now imagine trying to sleep with that noise. And since low frequency (bass) sound waves travel through solid objects incredibly well, putting the pillow over my ears just serves to enhance or focus the sound more, as it blocks out just about any other sounds that might mask the bass boom. Trust me on this, i know, as I keep the window open a crack, primarily for some white noise which is fairly soothing when trying to sleep. And speaking of keeping the window open, it was _cold_ last night. Like 27F cold. Now that is prolly nothing for most parts of the country in early January, around here, its COLD. Yesterday morning there was actually some snow at the very top of Mt. Diablo.
To get back to my original point, this unsensitive clod plays the music at all kind of random times. Sometimes its between 8 & 10PM. Last night, it continued off & on from 10PM until around 1:30AM. Now it sounds to me like its coming from the people on the other side of our bedroom wall, rather than the floor or ceiling. But Denise actually got out of bed to knock on their door, and didn't hear it coming from anywhere. So it remains a very miserable & frustrating mystery. On top of that, I don't understand why it started last week. As far as I know, none of our neighbors (above, below or beside) have changed in the past couple weeks. All that I do know is that i'm starting to really lose my mind. I'm going to bed overly-sensitive to the sounds around me, hoping & praying that its quiet so that I can go to sleep, and remain asleep, in peace. Every boom, even if its just a truck driving by, raises my attention, unneccesarily.