16:32 Thursday, September 09 2004

when it rains it pours

Yesterday started off well enough, but went south fast just around noon. The workload at work suddenly went from managable & sane to absolutely crazy and out of control. We simultaneously had two customers that are historically very high maintanence with problems that weren't catostrophic, but almost every problem that impacts more than a single person becomes catostrophic for them. And of course both of these customers are always very slow to respond to our requests for information, and then decide its a huge emergency. Thankfully, we got one of them sorted out fairly quickly, but the 2nd dragged on for hours, and I was working on their issue until almost 6PM.
Then today, I spent a large chunk of the day working on it somemore, and finally got things into a managable state in the afternoon.
Beyond that, things have been ok, but the pain from the past 24 hours has been exhausting.