16:56 Sunday, May 05 2005

watching & listening

The season of Alias that just ended was really kinda sucky. Its gotten to the point where the same plotlines are being recycled. On top of that the soundtrack now sux. The first season had excellent music. Now its just mainstream pop crap. The only good part of this season was the very last scene. THey did create a great cliffhanger that made me jump (and I just about never jump).
I started watching the season of 24 that just ended. It, too, is starting to get a bit old & predictable, but it still does have the occasional surprise.
I've started listening to audio books while in the car. I figured, I've been wanting to read a few books for a while, but I don't have the time, and honestly, i don't have the patience to read lengthy fiction. I just finished listening to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today. Quite honestly, I don't get what the great appeal of that book is. Its not a bad book, but its far from great.
I just finished watching Dogtown and the Z Boys. I thought it was a pretty good documentary. I had actually heard much of the story before, as Stacy Peralta has been interviewed on NPR's Fresh Air a few times.