12:17 Sunday, May 05 2003

up, down, and all around.

Its been a wild weekend thus far. I figured out how to burn VCD's to CDs on Friday night, and we watched XMen2 yesterday. I didn't think it was all that great, very formulaic, although it had some entertaining moments.
Denise got me the LOTR-FOTR DVD set for my pre-bday, which was really nice. She also gave me this really really sweet bday card. It rained much of the day yesterday, so we didn't do much outdoors, just grocery shopping. We stopped at the 'new' Dublin Library too, and it was a disapointment. It was basically just a larger version of the old one, which made the lack of books evern more apparent. They did have alot more computers though.
Denise got into work this morning to find the entire place trashed, and to top that off, someone forged her signature against an entire slew of questionable customer credits. She was rightfully pissed, and called me to ask my opinion on how to handle it. I told her to quit, as they've abused her more than enough, and it really wasn't worth working there anymore. So she called the mgr with the remote hope of getting an explanation for the mess, and an apology, and instead he was rude, and condescending towards her, so she did quit. We're now trying to plan her next move in the job search.
David was a complete disaster this morning. I attempted to feed him strawberry yogurt, and he wanted no part of it. So I left him in his highchair, and took a shower, hoping that by the time i returned, he'd be in more of a mood to cooperate & eat. No luck. He was even worse, and by the time i was done, there was yogurt everywhere. In his hair, on his clothes, on me, on the walls. He's spent much of the morning incredibly snarfy for no apparent reason. Denise did manage to get him to eat most of a fresh banana, and she just got him to drink an entire bottle too. Apparently she's got the magic touch in that dept today.