11:47 Tuesday, May 05 2003

'puter stuff

Yay, the laptop arrived. And an extra surprise it that it came with a whole bunch of unexpected goodies:
1) Leather carrying case
2) three button, trackball USB LED mouse
3) 16MB USB memory stick
Unfortunately, it did not come with a battery, which is mildly sucky. I got RH9 loaded on it this morning without too much hassle, although i did have to putz with the BIOS a bit to make it not do weird funkiness with the display in text mode.
In unrelated news, i got a mostly functional 2.5.68 kernel working yesterday. I still have to sort out some oddities of module auto-loading, but other than that it looks fairly stable.
In not so good news, Denise is quite sick with the same misery that I endured last week. Hopefully she feels better by week's end. So far David is doing ok.