19:58 Tuesday, November 11 2003


Today was the first day in a while that I was able to find some time to get some constructive projects started at work. I'm trying to build a replacement oracle server, built for performance. I'm also attempting to figure out how to get MS-Visual Studio, crapjob that it is, working with cvs. I actually thought that I was making some progress on the new server, but it started spewing SCSI sense key errors, so there's bad hardware somewhere. I'm hoping that its the Mylex RAID controller, rather than the SCSI midplane, that's at fault. If its the midplane, then that will take about 8 hours of work to replace.
We took the cat's for their anual vet checkup today. No problems.
We also received a box full of Chanukah gifts in the mail from my family, although oddly quite early, since Chanukah doesn't start for several weeks.
I built glibc-2.3.2 on Sunday night, in an attempt to stabilize my box at home from its (seemingly) Mozilla driven spontaneous lockups. It will be difficult to tell for sure if that fixes the problem, but evidence seems to suggest that it might be a glibc issue.
One more day til the long Thanksgiving weekend.