14:39 Monday, June 06 2004

this was monday?

Today was the slowest, deadest monday in recent memory. Now of course this means that it will swing to the opposite extreme tomorrow and/or wednesday. But it was nice while it lasted, and I had time to get caught up on some side projects that I had been forced to put off for a while.
I watched Troy yesterday. That was 3 hours of my life that I'd like back. Complete suckage. Boring, boring boring. The dialogue was mediocre and banal. The battle scenes were trite, predictable & cliched.
I also watched the rest of the last season of the Sopranos. Overall I thought it was a better season than the previous. On the other hand, it seems to be losing alot of its originality. There are just so many times that mobsters can mame & murder eachother before it gets predictable. But the next season is supposed to be the last one, so hopefully it will be fresh.