19:33 Tuesday, June 06 2004

racing like mad

Overall, today wasn't bad. It was somewhat busier at work than yesterday,but still quite managable. I knew that I had a ton of stuff to do once I got home, since i'm flying back east tomorrow.
So I had to pack, make lunch & dinner for tomorrow (PB&J for lunch, tuna w/mustard sandwich for dinner, cause the airlines can't afford a \$5 meal for me after i've spent \$200 for a flight), putting out a ton of extra food & water for the cats, cleaning their litter boxes, running the dishwasher, watering the plants, paying a few bills, and making my dinner for tonight.
On top of that, i got it into my head that I'd watch a movie on my laptop on the 5 hour flight. I managed to snag a 2nd battery for my T23 Thinkpad, so I should have roughly 4 hours of battery power (in theory). Well the el-cheapo-el-crappo intel hub that i'd been using to link up my network at home finally pushed me over the edge with its horrendously poor performance. I was trying to scp about 4GB of movies, and I couldn't get better than 30KB/s sustained. At that rate, it was going to take about 30 hours to finish. So I ended up literally ripping out the hub, and replacing it with a nice 8 port Netgear 100Mb switch. The difference was like night & day. I went from the abysmal 30k/s to about 700K/s. I should have done this a long time ago. That stupid hub wasn't healthy for a long time (it would occasionally start sqwaking, yes sqwaking), and would also sometimes go into a coma and stop transmitting any data at all. Of course my luck, some of the movies I was copying over were ripped directly from DVDs, and i didn't have xine installed (or libdvdcss and libdvdread for that matter). So i had to build them too. But now i'm doing just groovy.
Tomorrow is going to be a very L O N G day.