13:35 Monday, March 03 2004

the weekend

The weekend felt very long. On Saturday night we watched Whale Rider. I liked it alot. I thought it was really an interesting culture/generation study. And the girl in the film did an amzing acting job.
Yesterday we went to Bonfante Gardens in Gilroy. I had an OK time. This was the 2nd time that we've gone, and this was also the 2nd day that they were open for the 2004 season. David seemed to enjoy it for the most part, although he started getting really cranky towards the end. We made him walk the entire time, so he was prolly getting exhausted.
Last night I attempted to watch Gerry. It was very spartan in its presentation. I really kept hoping that something interesting would happen, other than the gradual dehydration and death of the two characters. But after watching for just over an hour, i was starting to fall asleep. They really deserved to die. They did so many utterly stupid things. I don't go hiking that often, but even i know that you don't go hiking without water, especially in a desert. And you don't go hiking in a desert with dark clothes (they were wearing black). Just plain stupid.
So far today is going better than expected. The end of this week is going to suck though.