20:35 Friday, October 10 2009

the fountain & jerusalema

I saw The Fountain tonight. Yes, that weird sci-fi film about the scientist and his dying wife, and conquistadors, and nebulas, and cancer, and trees, and a bunch of other stuff that I likely misunderstood. Overall, its not a bad film, but its definitely an acquired taste, and very little is obvious without doing some heavy duty pharma. This film has been analyzed to death by now, and there's no way that I could add anything useful to what's already been said by many others. If you've got 90 minutes to kill, and want to watch a really odd scifi flick, then go for it.
Afterwards, I watched Jerusalema, a South African film about the rise of a gangster over the past 30 years. The first half was a bit slow, but the second half was engrossing, and well crafted. The lead character did an excellent job. The others were mostly stereotypes, but they weren't bad.