18:39 Saturday, September 09 2004

the end of summer?

So its labor day weekend. For much of the rest of the country, this is considered the unofficial end of summer. Around here its basically halftime. Its not rained since May, and most likely will not until November at the earliest. The summer did fly by though. July & August fly by in the blink of an eye.
I was listening to the soundtrack from Garden State today, and I like it alot. Although I've not yet seen the movie, the soundtrack kinda reminds me a lot of the soundtrack from Lost in Translation which was an amazing movie. Definitely some of Bill Murray's best work.
I got an email from my sister in NY yesterday telling me that my father has been diagnosed with late stage Alzheimer's disease. I'm not really sure what to think. My father has never been good at rememberings things, and he's definitely slowed down alot over the years. When I saw him back in June for my sister's wedding he definitely was pretty out of it. He was sleeping most of the time. But the thing is, he always slept alot, for as far back as I can remember. I guess my point is that this isn't all that shocking, cause either he's been exhibiting symptoms for a long time, or i'm just not convinced that this is Alzheimers. And no, i'm not in denial, I can accept it, but i just don't see how this could be shocking when his behavior has been much the same for a long time. The diagnosis just puts a label on it.