17:50 Tuesday, May 05 2006

the alarm saga continues

This morning at 5AM, the stupid smoke alarm started doing its "my battery is dying" beep again. This after it also did it yesterday morning at 3AM. Yesterday we had the handy man come over and he "tightened" the wires, replaced all the batteris, and claimed it was all fixed. This morning, he claimed that the smoke detector must be bad, and he replaced it. I'm seriously expecting to be awakened tomorrow morning. *sigh*
Work today started off somewhat slow, and gradually ramped up to a fevered pace. Tomorrow I have to run a test 81 times (each time with a different configuration option), which I'm sure will be mind numbingly boring. On top of that I have to stay late to interview someone for an open position. I get the feeling that even with a short week, i'm going to end up making up for it.