18:51 Friday, March 03 2004

taming the beast

Last night as I laid awake, an utterly disturbing thought crossed my mind. I'm turning into DeWayne. Being DeWayne isn't bad in of itself. Its the fact that I'm now finding myself in his shoes. For the longest time (like always & forever) I was always a strong advocate of the attack & destroy method. Bully, intimidate, embarress, and antogonize your enemies until you get the desired response from them. In monst cases they'll change their behavior because they can't stand the abuse. Admittedly, this method worked quite well in alot of cases. <!-- But now I see that Colin is an absolute _master_ of this method. He uses it for every interaction with anyone, even when its blatantly not neccesary. Everything to him is attack & destroy. Its always shoot first, then hold talks.<br /> So Colin has attempted to have me persue this approach in many cases, or in others he's tried to use me as a weapon. For starters, I will not be his weapon against others or other departments. I will not become that which I despise. So I've become forced to tame the beast. I have to devise (often creative) diplomatic solutions to problems in an effort to sway Colin from his nonstop all out war. I'm becoming DeWayne. -->