12:49 Sunday, March 03 2004


I think its safe to say that winter is over. For the past 3 days, and for the forseeable future, the forcast is calling for nothing but sun, with highs in the 70s. I'm sure we'll have some more rain before the hardcore summer hits, but its definitely noticably warmer, and i've noticed birds chirping again.
I took the car for an oil change yesterday, and I also got a haircut. my hair was very mangy, and is much more comfortable now.
david threw a massive tantrum earlier today. his latest habbit is to throw himself on the floor, face down. Well, today he got too carried way, and smacked his nose on the floor too hard. He ended up with a really bad nosebleed. he's fine now, but for a good hour he was screaming, and it was hard to hold him still to stop the bleeding. right now david has his keyboard out and he's attempting to mimic my typing.