08:46 Saturday, February 02 2004


Another week down. Yesterday wasn't too bad overall. My presentation at the sales conference went fairly well. My laptop locked up right as I was about to begin (i think the mobo is bad), and I had a small problem getting the projector to work, but after that it was fairly smooth sailing. The 9 block walks to & from BART destroyed my feet. Actually, it wasn't so much the walk, as the shoes. The back of my right ankle was actually a little bloody, and I have a few blisters on the bottoms of both feet.
<!--<br /> Colin was up to his old tricks again. We have a customer in Holland who has spent relatively little money, yet is submitting a very large number of feature requests. Understandably, Colin doesn't want to expend development resources on a customer who isn't willing to provide revenue to support them. Unfortunately, his solution for dealing with this was to order support to cease accepting feature requests from the customer. He thought that this ploy would force sales to deal with the customer's lack of revenue generation. There are problems with this plan on so many levels. First, the customer is legally entitled to full support. They signed a contract that guarnetees them unlimited incidents. So this would be a breach of contract issue. Secondly, it would piss off the customer who most likely has no awareness that they aren't spending an amount of money that is commensurate with their feature request submission volume. If support looses the faith of a customer, it is nearly impossible to recapture. Thirdly, Support shouldn't be Colin's weapon against other departments. That would only serve to anger sales, making it harder for support to work with sales in the future. And finally, if Colin has a problem with another department, he should take it up with the head of that dept, in this case the VP of Sales. So i fired off a very carefully worded email to Colin to explain my disagreement with his policy, and i offered an alternative which would allow Support to continue with business as usual, and colin could then reject/delete the feature requests once they were submitted to his group. That way he is taking responsibility for the rejection, rather than support. Interestingly, colin accepted my counter-proposal, and said that he'd work directly with the vp of sales to address the issue. Now colin isn't stupid, surely he should have expected resistance from support on his original edict. I have to wonder if this was just a ploy of his all along to see what my response would be. slimy weasel that he is.<br /> -->
Yesterday Denise went to Trader Joe's and got me an assortment of cheeses, italian salami crackers, ginger snaps & Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia as my Valentine's day gift. It was all really thoughtful and tasty. TJ's is now selling B&J ice cream for \$2.49/pint, which is a really great price, btw.
Last night, David had some problems going to sleep. I put him down for bed a little before 7PM, and about 40 minutes later we heard him crying hysterically. His diaper was fine, and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. We held him for a little while, and put him back to bed, and he seemed to be ok. Until around 9PM when he awoke again crying. Still no indication of what was wrong. Maybe he was having bad dreams, or indigestion? Thankfully he fell back to sleep after that and slept until 6:20AM this morning. Well, i guess not too thankfully, because he did wake me that early.