13:48 Wednesday, March 03 2004

still here

Late Sunday night there was a DNS anomaly that knocked LlamaLand off the internet until early this morning.
On Sunday I watched Master and Commander. Overall, it was an intriguing movie. It didn't seem to quite know what it wanted to be. Sometimes it was a war flick, other times an adventure movie, other times a buddy film. It felt alot longer than its 2 hour running time.
Denise's mother is out here for the next 6 days. We had to schlep out to the airport last night to pick her up. This meant that I only got about 5 hours of sleep, so i'm a bit of a zombie today.
<!--<br /> We were supposed to have a meeting with the directors of engineering and product management this morning to discuss product enhancement suggestions. Instead, the two directors invited Colin, and the meeting turned into yet another "you don't understand how to work with Engr, that needs to stop now" meetings. I could deal with this, if it was on the stated agenda. But instead they keep broad-siding me and then going off on lengty antagonistic rants. Afterwards, Colin wandered over in an attempt to make a half-hearted apology. Doesn't matter, he was there, he could have handled it better, but he did not. I'm going to discuss all of this with Ali tomorrow morning in our weekly meeting.<br /> -->