17:43 Thursday, March 03 2004

rainy day

Its raining today,for the first time in a few weeks. But, as with all weather around this part of California, it will not last, and the sun will be back tomorrow. Its actually supposed to get back up towards 80F by the weekend.
<!--<br /> Today was odd. I had the meeting with Ali, and I tried to politely explain how I don't feel like Colin is being even handed in his treatment of Support. I told the story about how the Directory of Engr keeps hijacking every meeting and turning it into a 'bash support' event. I really get the feeling that Ali thinks of me as a naive fool. Everytime I express any discontent, he always starts off with a lecture about how things can't always be the way I want them. Trust me, if I had that illusion, I would have quite my job long long ago. I'm quite aware that I can't always get my way, every meeting can't have the end result that I desire, and that I need to compromise with others. There's not enough hours in my day to tell Ali about every little insignificant thing that bothers me. I mention the random few things that really bother me, that I am struggling to resolve. But Ali doesn't seem to grasp that, and I don't think he can when we only have 1 hour/week scheduled for a face to face meeting. But i digress. So Ali gave me the lecture, and I actually interrupted him and made it clear that I know that I can't always get things to have an outcome that works in my favor. I just don't appreciate going to meetings where an agenda is laid out in advance, and then having them hijacked to a completely unrelated topic. So Ali's suggestion was for me to schedule a meeting with the Director of Engineering so that we could sit and down and try to work out our differences. I'm all for that, and agreed. So I scheduled a meeting for tomorrow afternoon with Mark, the Director of Engineering to 'better work as a team" since that seems to be the running theme in Mark's rantings. Monday I've got another weekly meeting with Colin where, amongst other topics, I'll bring up the Mark issue. Hopefully I'll have positive remarks to make. And then next Thursday I'll meet again with Ali and review the past week's events. Ali did make a point to ask me if I wanted him to talk to Colin about this, and I told him not to, that I'd rather wait and see what happens with my conversation with Mark, and my followup with Colin on Monday first. So we'll see what happens.<br /> So later in the day Colin wanders by and hands me two envelopes, and whipsers that they are my "management bonus". A few times in the past, he did mention that I'd be elligible for one, but never elaborated on the details, and I didn't ask. So anyway, he congratulated me a few times, and walked off. $4000 (before taxes). Seeing as how i've only been in the position for about 6 weeks, i'd say that's pretty damn impressive. On the other hand, I do question why an unprofitable company is giving out bonuses to any employees, much less management. Granted the bonuses are based on some formula that includes revenue and losses in the past quarter, so it is rewarding the right balence of the two, but still. And there's also me wondering why only management should get a bonus when it should be a company wide effort. But hey, i'm not going to give it back. I could be out of work a month from now for all I know.<br /> -->