16:19 Thursday, July 07 2004

so little time

This week started off reasonably slowly, but has gotten progressively more and more painful. Work has been the regular cesspool of misery that i've come to know & love:
* incompetant sales engineers who don't know the product that they're supposed to show to customers
* egotistical sales drones who think that leading the pack in revenue generation gives them the right to order everyone else around
* arrogant engineers who think their god's gift
* incompetant engineers (who might also be arrogant) who are slow, stupid or both
On a different note, i haven't had much time to write here lately. Much of the problem is that I really need a block of time where I can sit and think undisturbed, and collect my thoughts. That doesn't happen much lately, primarily because David is distracting even when he's not vying for attention intentionally.