16:23 Thursday, February 02 2004


<!--<br /> Today would have been a decent day overall, had it not been for one Michael Jones. Mike Jones is a SE (Sales Engineer, System Engineer, whatever) where I work who is a cowboy. He's a renegade. He has a very long track record of doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants, thinking the immediate results justify the means. Nothing that he does with a customer gets documented. He is never held accountable for his actions. His favorite form of rebellion is to perform on-the-fly customizations of customer's software, and not document any of it. If we're lucky we'll find out about it from the customer, but just about never directly from him. Anyway, he pulled another stunt today (or rather he pulled a few this week). When I firmly, yet politely asked him to document the work he had done, he launced into a series of below the belt attacks. First he ordered me to "stop being so cranky". Then in a separate email he implied that the reason why we're having difficulties working with that customer is because our 'tone' is unprofessional (implying that Support wasn't being nice). Colin appears to be coming to my defense.<br /> I also found out today that I have to attend the "Customer Advisory Council (CAC)" next wednesday & thursday. It includes dinner on wednesday, so its an all day affair, at a hotel in the city. A bunch of our most favored customers will be attending to listen to hokey engineering & marketing presentations. I'm sure it will be a boring, miserable experience all around.<br /> -->