07:37 Saturday, December 12 2003


Another weeks into the books. Thankfully i was wrong about this past week sucking, but it was really long & tiring nevertheless. The Exchange server that I finally got up late on Thursday self-destructed in classic windoze style yesterday. All of a sudden, exchange won't start, and spits out cryptic, useless 'server failed' errors. Attempts to uninstall exchange also fail. Attempts to reinstall exchange also fail. So now i have to reload the entire damn box just to fix this flaming piece of crap.
The fusion box is up, more or less. cvs integration is completely broken, and that leaves me waiting for Engineering to provide some assistance.
My back. Last night my extreme lower back started hurting. This morning its throbbing. I have no idea why, i didn't try to lift anything heavy recently.
I saw Freeway earlier this week. Really really weird. It had its moments, but was somewhat over the top much of the time.