15:55 Thursday, December 12 2003


Today did not get off to a good start. I'm just about ready to leave for work this morning (at 5:20AM), and David wakes up crying. So, I went to give him a bottle, and he's in a retched mood, with no interest in cooperating. I had to fight him to drink the bottle, and I was somewhat late for work too as a result.
Work wasn't bad, but I was working on several projects simultaneously, and none of them was going terribly well. I'm still trying to get a crappy Exchange server setup. I spent nearly an hour attempting to download the 10 parts of the 125MB service pack4, and somehow they all ended up dissapearing into the ether. It looked like they were downloading, yet I had nothing when it was all done. So I ended up screwing that concept, since its not like any MS product is going to ever be bug free anyway. I added a single user to the server, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do at this point.
So, then there are a steady stream of obnoxious, confusing tickets coming in from one customer. They are valid problems, but they're just so high maintanence, and I'm unfortunately the only person who can support them right now.
And finally, the ongoing Fusion fiasco. I actually got Apach2 working last night, after digging through documentation for nearly two hours. I thought setting up CVS would be easy, but no luck there. The incredibly poor documentation is confusing, and misleading, and I ended up getting nothing but errors. I filed a bug with engineering so that they can fix their crap.
I left work about a half hour early, simply because I had lost all motivation to do anything, and it was relatively quiet.