17:26 Monday, December 12 2004

praying for sweet sweet death

Last night my cell phone went off at 11:30PM. One of the servers that we're responsible for had a load spike which triggered our monitoring scripts to go crazy. So i'm awakened from a nice deep sleep to check the server. Unfortunately, there was nothing that i could do, because the database really needs to get moved to a separate server in order to fix this problem. So I increased the high load threshold of the monitoring script, and went back to bed. Unfortunately it took me forever to fall back to sleep. I was comfy, but kept tossing & turning. Then at 4:30AM my phone rings again. One of our customers in europe called, even though they didn't have any entitlement to 'afterhours' support. I told them so politely, but the damage had been done, and i didn't even bother to go back to sleep.
My morning was moderately hectic, and remained semi-crappy for the remainder of the day. Just after 4PM my cell is ringing again, with the same server that triggered the load warning last night.
So now it seems like i'm going to have to move the DB this saturday morning at 8AM.