21:09 Tuesday, February 02 2006

passive aggressive

Something that I've noticed after working with alot of customers from the pacific rim, is that they play this passive aggressive game alot when they want something. Rather than being forthright and upfront with what they think or want, its always something subtle and underhanded. For example, when they don't like the way something works, rather than saying so, instead they say "Mr. X feels it should be this way". The one that really annoys me is when they finish every communication with "thanks for your support". Screw you. I'm not supporting you because I have some deep appreciation & love for you, its because its my job, and we want to keep getting your money for our products. Another winner is when they expect or need a bug fix really quickly, so they pull the ever popular, "we're sure that you can provide it in record time".
Anyway, just some stuff I think about. Work thus far this week hasn't been too bad at all. Its been busier than I'd like, which has meant that I haven't had time to work on a side project that I was really enjoying last week. I'm updating our automated Linux install CD with additional distros beyond RH/FC. I actually got SuSE-10 x86_64 working last friday, but haven't had time to customize it, or work on any of the other suse versions.