19:42 Friday, April 04 2009

my eye

As I was driving home from \$DAYJOB on Wednesday evening, my left lower eyelid started to hurt. At first, I figured that it would pass (I've occasionally had weird, inexplicable eye aches that went away a few hours later). However, as the evening progressed, the pain only got worse, and by the time I woke up on Thursday morning, it was throbbing alot & noticeably swollen. Denise convinced me that I should see the doctor, and then spent a chunk of her morning playing phone tag with the doctor's office to get me an appointment. I saw the doctor yesterday evening, and he told me the obvious (that its a sty), and prescribed TRIMETHOPRIM-POLYMYXIN (antibiotic eye drops). They seemed to be helping for the first 18 hours or so, but this afternoon, my eye started to hurt more again, and feels really dry now. The doctor stated that I should notice improvement within 48 hours, so I guess I have another 24 hours to go.