20:43 Friday, April 04 2009

chemical wedding

I saw Chemical Wedding tonight. Some parts of this film are supposedly based on true events, but overall it felt like the figment of someone's overactive imagination. This was one weird film. The basic premise is some virtual reality suit/machine triggers some rift in the space/time continuum which allows the occultist Aleister Crowley to come back to life. What follows are several days of bizarre mayhem including blood sacrifices, orgies & drug abuse. I'd love to say that it all made sense, but not much did. At the same time, the acting wasn't half bad, and the soundtrack was decent.
Afterwards, I watched Unfinished Sky, a solemn Australian film about a widower who takes in an illegal Afghani immigrant. Up through the last 10 minutes, it was excellent. The cinematography, the acting, & score were all very well done. Unfortunately, it was diminished by the plot resolution which was contrived and a bit to neat & tidy.