20:04 Friday, July 07 2005

music & colors

We watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this evening. I thought it was ok. It had its moments of originality, but overall there wasn't much plot, it was just a bunch of semi-predictable skits seewn together.
Earlier this week I found a really great deal on an MP3 player at Dell for \$69 plus tax. I placed an order, and the next day, I received an email from Dell claiming that there was a problem authorizing the charge to my credit card. So I called Discover to ask wtf was going on, and they actually laughed and said that they're always having problems with authorizations from Dell. They didn't even show an attempt to get an authorization from Dell in the past 24 hours against my card, and didn't see any reasons why an auth would have failed. So I called Dell to ask them wtf was going on, and they just insisted that the problem was on Discover's end, and that there was nothing that they could do about it. I prompty canceled the order. If Dell isn't capable of taking my money, I'm not about to fight them over it.
So this evening, I figured I'd look on eBay to see if I could get an equivalent deal on the same MP3 player, and amazingly I found one, and won this auction. Its the same one as Dell, and I'm getting it for less money than what Dell was charging. Screw you, Dell.