18:33 Thursday, July 07 2005

cooling off

This week has been, well, odd. Up until today, it was actually pretty good. I was getting alot accomplished, with little frustration. Today was the complete opposite. Nothing was working out, I had a huge number of bugs to work on, and I ended up spending 12 hours in the office today. The one high note was that I had lunch with Doug today. This is the first time I've seen him since before I left VA.
Denise has a got a long list of houses to look at on Saturday. We're starting to have problems with our realtor. He decided to go on vacation for a week, which is certainly his right. But first he just told us that he'd be gone this weekend, and then all of a sudden it turns into 7 days. On top of that, he's been starting to ignore us quite a lot lately. We're getting the impression that he gave us a month to find a house, and since we didn't go with the one he thought we should have, he's no longer interested.
The heat wave seems to have finally broken. Its actually 66F as I type this, which is about 15F degrees cooler than its been at this time at any day in the past week or so.