19:09 Monday, December 12 2003


Back at work after a long weekend is never fun. There's the simple concept of having to go back to work after relaxing. And there's the miserable concept of getting an avalanche of crap landing on you, because everyone else just put it off from the previous week.
Actually today wasn't too bad for the most part, although there were moments of pain. The fine* code monkies in India delivered me what was probably the 15th iteration of what is supposed to be the release candidate for a service pack. This 15th iteration would not untar because they somehow managed to completely screw up the compression. It boggles my mind how you can screw something that is a single command:
gzip file.tar
At any rate, it was broken as delivered. I spend another chunk of my day continuing to fight with MS Visual Studio. I finally got this horrific piece of crap from Microslut installed, but have been completely and utterly unable to figure out how to make it do anything other than Visual Source Safe. VSS is apparently the MS version of a SCM, in whatever aborted, perverse way they interpret such a beast.

Where fine is being used in the supremely sarcastic sense